University of Burao


At Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, We engage!


The Faculty of Veterinary medicine and animal production was established in 2004 at the University of Burao. At the inception of this program, the faculty was only one department, the department Veterinary medicine. However, in 2012, the department was incorporated with newly founded agriculture department where the name of the faculty was shifted into faculty of animal science and agriculture.  Subsequently in 2012, the two department was separated into independent faculties; the faculty of veterinary medicine and animal production and the faculty of agriculture and environmental science.

In the early years of its establishment, the curriculum of BVSc was similar to that followed by university of Khartoum containing certain subject areas which were irrelevant to veterinary practice in Somaliland. However, the curriculum was updated in 2015 and revised again 2022 to make the BVSc course more relevant to meet the national demands of the veterinary profession in the next decade or two. Apart from this modification and revising, in 2020 the faculty has also developed an independent curriculum for animal production science to establish animal production department.



Livestock is the backbone of the nation’s economy. About 50-60 % of the population is classified as pastoralists and another 20% as agro-pastoralists. The 1997 official government statistics estimated total livestock population in the country at around 23.5 million heads. Yet there are only about three dozen qualified veterinarians in the country as a whole. This implies a doctor/stock ratio of about 1:653000 – perhaps the lowest in the world. In this regard, the faculty of veterinary medicine and animal production was essential than any other program, knowing that 75% of Somaliland people live in pastoral and rural areas and mostly keep livestock, and their basic life depends on livestock production. Therefore, to respond this, faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production (FVMAP) is proud to be the center for revolutionary educational heart, which is backed by its qualified staff, suitable environment and livestock industry technologies.



Faculty Status






The objective of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production (FVMAP) is to achieve stable and sustainable lives by serving as a regional center of excellence for veterinary care education, research, outreach, and consulting.


  • To pursue and sustain a preeminent leadership position in the regional  search for knowledge via high-caliber research, capacity-building, consulting, and creative outreach in order to support livestock health and productivity for the purpose of reducing poverty and ensuring secure livelihoods via the sustainable management of natural resources.

Our Team Faculty

Dr. Ahmed Saeed Ismaill

Dr. Ahmed Saeed Ismaill

Dean of Faculty

Dr. Halimo Ahmed Hassan



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