University of Burao



The University of Burao has launched this department in 2017 for the purpose of providing or Obtaining the Food Necessary for health and growth.

What is the Nutrition?

Nutrition is the science of food, the nutrients and the substances therein; their action, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease; and the process by which the organism (i.e., the body) ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, utilizes, and excretes food substances.
➢ Foods: products derived from plants or animals that can be taken into the body to yield energy and nutrients for the maintenance of life and the growth and repair of tissues.
➢ Diet: the foods and beverages a person eats and drinks.
• An example of nutrition is the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables.
• An example of nutrition is eating a healthy diet.

Program Rationale

In Somaliland majority of the population, are insecure in food. Both people’s ability to feed themselves in the short term (risk to live), and their ability to achieve self-sufficiency in the long term (risks to livelihoods) are precarious. The severity of risk to live continue to increase as recurrent drought/crisis has
cumulative effect in depleting coping capacity year after year.  A number of converging trends, including water scarcity, land degradation, a  lack of on-farm technological innovation, population growth and climate change can explain the trend towards the increasing food and water insecurity. These trends have combined with the repeated effects of drought over the years and substantially eroded the productive assets of communities and households. The most vulnerable groups among the food insecure are women and children. Especially malnutrition is one of the major health problems in the country  affecting primarily children and women of the child bearing age. Protein-energy malnutrition, vitamin A deficiency (VAD), iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) are the forefront nutritional problems prevailing in the country. Many of the households most at risk are headed by women. They often support their children from subsistence farming or from petty trade. They look after the animals, fetch water and firewood, and are most likely to suffer from malnutrition by carrying out such arduous and energy consuming tasks. So, to combat those problems there should be comprehensive and continuous capacity building for the food and nutrition system strategy in the country. The food industry which originally provided only primary products for final preparation in home; find itself responding to market demands for more refined, sophisticated, and convenient products.
The demand for easy to prepare, fortified, nutritionally sound, safe, convenience foods, poses major scientific challenges which cannot be met without highly trained nutritional scientists capable of understanding the complex chemistry/biochemistry, new product development of food systems and knowledge of how to process, preserve and package them. The increased  tendency of society on foods has led to greater responsibility for processors in terms of quality, safety and nutritional value. Thus, it is imperative to develop a curriculum to produce professionals  equipped with all the technical knowledge and professional competence to assist the society (in various areas of food science, nutrition, and dietetics) and farmers and consumers in using modern and traditional techniques of food processing and preservation and thereby alleviate the problem of nutrition and food security issues as well as problems due to unsafe food handling practices, also creating graduates with both the knowledge of food science and nutrition who have the ability to appraise the food industry problems and can find the solution for them to make them competent in the national and international market. The Food and Nutrition security strategy for Somaliland is premised upon the nation’s vision 2030. It provides the framework by which the government facilitates, in a comprehensive and coordinated manner, the implementation of strategic actions to improve and ensure adequate food and water supply for the people of Somaliland. One of the main component/strategies of the food and nutrition security development strategy is capacity building, which includes human resource development in order to enhance the effective and efficient implementation of this large-scale national program. The capacity building component calls for availing trained human resource for achieving the targets. In addition to that in different region of the country there are various local and international organizations which provide humanitarian services for vulnerable people for food insecurity crisis. So that most of those agencies are seeking trained and advanced nutritionist/dietetics for their basic services to communities.

Program objectives

The goal of the program is to provide the students with:
1.A detailed critical knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of food science and technology and nutrition and their relationship to human health.
2. A critical knowledge and understanding on the relationship between food  security and safety with a wide range of social, legal, technological and
environmental factors. Upon completion the program in food science and applied nutrition, students will have:
A knowledge of the principles, concepts and skills relevant to Nutrition and Food Science including types of food materials and their properties, and the industrialization processes Skills in qualitative and quantitative laboratory analysis of foods, food processing, quality control.  Understanding of the community problem related to nutrition and food security and setting directions and strategy towards the application of basic measures related to food science and nutrition.
Knowledge of food Process Technology and its impacts on the loss of nutritional values of food products  Understanding of food quality, personal hygiene, food laws and regulation and food safety related matters. Knowledge of Minimum Nutritional Requirement and RDA (recommend dietary allowance) Formulation of RDA and Dietary Guidelines Reference Man and Reference Woman. Adult consumption unit Skills in food fortification, food analysis, product design and development Developed, in the context of the discipline, the graduate quality of efficient communication, quantitative literacy, information and communication literacy, inquiry and critical thinking, and ethical, social and international understanding Knowledge of nutritional public health and epidemiology, sport and exercise, nutrition assessment.


The under graduate Program in Nutrition at University of Burao, envisions a program that provides students with the knowledge and skills to improve the
nutritional health of individuals, households, and communities in Somaliland by addressing the social and environmental causes of nutrition problems.


The mission of the undergraduate program in nutrition at University of Burao, is to train public health nutrition professionals to have the knowledge and skills to foster health promotion/disease prevention, to manage or participate in programs and/or shape policies that improve the health of populations by
improving their nutrition. 

Program competencies

Students will acquire the core public health competencies through successful completion of the program core courses. With the guidance from an advisor,  students will be well-versed in planning and evaluating community nutrition programs have the knowledge and skills required for community-based nutrition programs, obtain hands-on experience in public health nutrition by completing a community-based practicum and disseminating research results by producing and defending a research thesis. 

Graduate profile

➢ Upon completion of the undergraduate Program in Nutrition and Food
Science at University of Burao, the graduates should be able to:
➢ Incorporate knowledge of the public health and biological, social and
cultural aspects of health and disease in addressing and solving
nutrition problems
➢ Apply the concepts and principles of public health practice to the
development of programs and policies in nutrition
➢ Identify the major types of nutrition problems in the country’s contexts
and the factors that cause them
➢ Apply various methods for the nutritional status assessment of
populations, including anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, dietary, and
ecological methods.
➢ Organize nutrition assessment data using computer software, interpret
the results of analysis of these data, and communicate findings from this
analysis in written form
➢ Apply the concepts and principles of public health practice to the
development of programs in nutrition
➢ Develop innovative approaches to solving nutrition problems, plan and
evaluate nutrition programs in Somaliland and serve as consultants
➢ Conduct high quality nutrition related researches
➢ Teach nutrition courses in higher learning institutions
➢ Work as nutrition specialists and counsellors in healthcare teams.

Program offering

The Department of Nutrition has been offering variety of programmes including: –
Regular program, Top-up program & Diploma programs.
1: Degree Courses
➢ Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition
➢ Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
➢ Bachelor in Top-up Nutrition
2: Diploma Courses
➢ Diploma of Nutrition & Food Science
➢ Diploma of Community Nutrition


 The Top-up program for Nutrition is based on 3 semesters per year and
its duration is One year which covers 14 courses Plus Senior Project.
This Program, is for students who have completed their Diploma program
at the University of Burao.
➢ The Top-up program for Nutrition is based on 2 semesters per year and
its duration is two years which covers 22 courses Plus Senior Project.
This for students who haven’t completed their Diploma
program at the University of Burao.
➢ Those who follow this schedule attend their classes only Three days on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. In each semester they cover 5
courses whereas they cover 15 courses every year.
➢ Regarding the credit hours, it is similar to the rest of the University. It is
3 credit-hours per course.


➢ This Program is based on 2 semesters per year and its duration is Four
years which covers 44 courses Plus Students thesis Book.
➢ Those who follow this schedule attend their classes Six or Five days per
week. Semester One up to Semester five they cover 30 courses where the
last three semesters they cover the other 15 courses.


➢ The schedule for Diploma Nutrition is based on 3 semesters per year.
The duration is 2 years in which they cover 30 courses.
➢ Those who follow this schedule attend their classes only Three days on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. In each semester they cover 5
courses whereas they cover 15 courses every year.

Program requirements

The undergraduate Degree in Nutrition will be awarded to a candidate who has
successfully fulfilled the program requirements at University of Burao, has
successfully completed the course requirements of the program 

Program requirements

Student achievements in any of the courses shall be graded as per the cut offs
stipulated in the University of Burao Legislation.
The academic standing of the students shall be determined periodically as per
the rules and regulations of the University of Burao Legislation after the
completion of a minimum of credit hours.
The respective Department Graduate Council (FGC) shall determine the
academic standing of graduate students based on the University of Burao
Students must complete all the required courses, defend their thesis
successfully and achieve a CGPA of 2.5 and satisfy all the graduation
requirements stipulated in the University of Burao Legislation to be eligible for

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